Booster Rocket

Suggested Length: 5’0 – 6’8
Suggested Width 18 – 22 inches
Fin set-up: Tri-Fin
Tail options: Swallow, Quarter Moon tail
Wave size: Small to Medium
Beginer to Advanced


This is a combination board. Inbetween a Fish board and a regular board. The width of the nose and the middle sections are wider than usual, but it retains the same width at the tail section.
- Medium tappered rails, with hook rail off the tail
- Single concave through board flat off tail
- Regular rocker through board
- Center of width is in the center

Shapers Comment:

This board is super fast! It makes unmakeable sections – Makeable!!! Turns on a dime and It feels like you have a rocket under your feet!!! It handles bigger waves and loves BIG drops!

How to order your custom board!!!

comes with:

-Vercelli Graphics

-Clear resin

-The core of the board shows through and is white

-Choice of tail is included

-Fins are included, choice of: FCS, Future, or Glass-On

CONTACT  : or call me 808-222-8058

for any questions or orders .

Vercellishapes Italia : Andrea Corrias +39-3406579141