Jay Adams Signature Model

Suggested Length: 5’0 to 7’0 Suggested Width: 17 to 20
Fin set-up: Tri fin
Tail options: wing swallow, bat tail, quarter moon tail, or rounded pin
Wave size: Small to Medium
Medium  to advanced


- Regular rocker
- center of width is 2 inches behind center
- Medium tapered groove Rails
- Bottom Contour: Slight vee in the nose to single concave to a double concave
to flat off the tail

Shapers Comments:

Jay’s board is really skatey, the nose is like a skate, it comes with groove rails which are great for grabbing. It lowers the volume in the rail while maintaining volume in the deck which adds structural integrity. Its really fast and responsive, every one loves it!

How to order your custom board!!!

comes with:

-Vercelli Graphics

-Clear resin

-The core of the board shows through and is white

-Choice of tail is included

-Fins are included, choice of: FCS, Future, or Glass-On


vercellishapes@msn.com or call me 808-222-8058

for any questions or orders .

Vercellishapes Italia : Andrea Corrias +39-3406579141