I am From Playa Del Rey Ca, near Venice Beach. I have lived in Hawaii for almost 25 years now. I currently live on O’ahu, Lucky to live Hawaii.
I’m a dinosaur… I have been surfing for 30 years strong!
I grew up during the time when surfing was blowing up to a whole other level. Everbody was becoming a shaper, as a result not every board was that great. It was holding my surfing back. I finally went on to the shaping room, it came naturally to me. The very next day I called every surfer I knew. From that day on I have only been riding my designs. I have been shaping for 18 years now.
I love making boards that make people better surfers. I really pay attention to detail, its no joke. To me every board is important. I look at things a little different. I have a hardcore Surf, Skate, Punk Rock background.
Longboarding or Shortboarding?
Both, when the time is right. I grew up shortboarding, but thanks to Hap Jacobs, he made me ride a longboard. He taught me to shape them right.
Skil 100 door planer, yeah its a door planer. Its tattooed on my arm.
- Larry Bertleman
- Buttons Kaluhiokalani
- Mark Liddle
- Johnny Boy Gomes
- Jay Adams
- Jaime O’brien
- Ronnie Burns – R.I.P
Remember, Style is everything.
That is a hard question, I can’t give you my all time favorite, but maybe my top 3!
-Gillis Jetty in Playa Del Rey, my childhood break, its a left.
- Rocky point
- Ala Moana Bowls
As for the other spots, its on a need to know basis and you don’t need to know!
I love Punk Rock! My favorite bands are: The Germs, The Bags, The Wierdos, Black Flag, The Dills, Wasted Youth; I used to rodie for them with Jay Adams and the lead singer is one of my best friends. I’m also part of the original Suicidal Boys; Suicidal Tendencies. Fist of Fury from Venice, they are some of my best old skool friends. I also love Hawaiian music. Starting with Gabby “Pops” Pahunui, Peter Moon, Kapalama, Cecilio and Kapono. Hey, and don’t forget about Roots Reggae!
I love to skate, I grew up in Dogtown. My favorites are empty pools, skate surfing driveways with Shogu Kubo and Jeff Hartsel. Im really lucky to be a part of the Royal Hawaiian pool service…unlimited pools. I even have my own skateboard model with Z-Flex skateboards. It is called the Islander. Art is something else I enjoy , it takes my mind off of everything. I created alot of graphics for my boards. Here is a link to my artwork.
Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, and my beautiful wife Joy. Mahalo for taking the time to read this. I want to thank Duke Kahanamoku, the Hui O He’e Nalu and all of my friends and family.